Everything you need to know about Flotilla IoT Maintenance Module
Flotilla IoT Maintenance Module has become a trustworthy name in the telematics industry in a short time. It has captured a vast clientele due to its goal-driven features and excellent support. Its fleet management system is designed to facilitate all the operational areas of a fleet business. From live monitoring to insightful reporting, every feature is tailor-made to boost efficiency and productivity.
While talking about the logistics business, the importance of well-functioning vehicles is undeniable. However, a healthy fleet is impossible without timely maintenance. Flotilla IoT is aware of this fact and offers an exquisite maintenance module. In this blog, we will discuss it in detail.
Creating Maintenance:
For creating new maintenance, the user adds different specifications which are as follows:
Unit Name:
You have to choose the unit name on which you have to apply maintenance.
Maintenance Name:
You can add the maintenance name in this field.
There are three types of maintenance based on the parameter selected to activate it. They are as follows:
- Mileage:
Users can define mileage as the basis for activating maintenance. It means that the maintenance will become due when the vehicle reaches a threshold mileage value.
- Hours:
Users can define hours as the basic parameter for activating maintenance. It means that the maintenance will become due when the vehicle reaches the threshold number of hours.
- Date:
Users can define date as the fundamental parameter for activating maintenance. It means that the maintenance will become due when the specific date comes.
In this field, the user enters the starting value for any maintenance type. It means that the maintenance schedule starts from this value.
In this field, the user enters the ending value for any maintenance type. A notification triggers when the specified period is achieved.
You can add the estimated cost of maintenance in this field. It ensures no excessive expense on any maintenance as the maximum spending limit is set beforehand.
You can check this checkbox if you want to activate maintenance multiple times. Therefore, after the maintenance becomes due, the next one will be automatically created.
Read Also: How-flotilla-Iot-vehicle-gps-tracking-system-offers-flexibility-to-fleet-businesses
User Input Required:
You have to activate the ‘User input required’ option to identify due maintenance. By enabling this option, the users can find out how much maintenance is due in real time.
By checking this checkbox, you can activate and inactivate a notification.
- Notify by email:
By enabling this option, you can receive maintenance notifications by email. There are two options in this regard:
User Email:
By enabling this option, you will receive an email notification on the currently active user email.
Custom Email:
By enabling this option, you can set multiple custom emails for receiving maintenance alerts.
- Web popup Notification:
You can receive maintenance notifications on the Flotilla IoT system as a web popup by enabling this option.
- Mobile Notifications:
By activating this option, the user can receive maintenance alerts on their mobile device.
Assign Unit:
You can assign multiple units for maintenance via this option.
Assign User:
You can assign multiple users to view the maintenance via this option.

In Flotilla IoT GPS tracking software, there are four maintenance categories:
Scheduled Maintenance:
When a user prepares a maintenance schedule for the future, it is added to this category. You can customize maintenance while scheduling it by specifying different options like name, type, repetition, cost, etc.
Due Maintenance:
When maintenance becomes due, a notification is triggered for it. When the repeat checkbox is checked, several alerts are activated for the same maintenance. All these notifications show up in the due maintenance category.
Completed Maintenance:
All the completed maintenance shows up in this category. After concluding maintenance, the user manually marks it as completed in the system. Thus, there is no unnecessary maintenance in the record preventing any confusion.
Overdue Maintenance:
All the maintenance that was not completed on their due time are included in this category. The user manually marks such maintenance tasks as overdue in the system.
Flotilla IoT’s maintenance module is beneficial for businesses in maintaining large fleets. Its innovative features make it stand out amongst the leading fleet-management system. Thus, all logistics companies can avail it to their advantage and utilize it in achieving their business objectives.