How Flotilla IoT vehicle GPS Tracking System offer Flexibility to Fleet Businesses?

How Flotilla IoT vehicle GPS Tracking System offer Flexibility to Fleet Businesses?

Fleet businesses require a mechanism that enables them to run their daily operations smoothly and fleet management solutions serve this purpose. Modern vehicle GPS tracking system like Flotilla IoT are equipped with AI-powered technology that helps managers make smart data-driven decisions. Whether you require real-time location tracking or generate analytical reports, Flotilla IoT does it all. It can offer a business the flexibility to get ahead of the competition and in this blog, we will discuss it in detail.

How Flotilla IoT Helps Vehicle GPS Tracking System Offers Flexibility to Your Business?

Following are some ways Flotilla IoT offers flexibility to give leverage to your business:

Business-driven Role Management:

Fleet companies follow various business models depending on which their requirements can change. It is important to have a system that aligns with your needs and allows you to develop a structure accordingly. Flotilla IoT allows users to create roles with custom privileges to have control over their business operations. A hierarchy is followed while developing user structure including the following roles:


Reseller is the highest-ranking role in the hierarchy, situated above the account of the Service Provider (SP). A reseller is a business that offers fleet management services to several clients and seeks to keep an eye on their business activities. As the Reseller is concerned with administrative and management tasks as well as monitoring, it can also log to both CMS and the front app.

Service Provider:

The Service Provider is positioned at the bottom of the hierarchy. It covers the company’s personnel who are connected to various clients. In terms of privileges and technical control, SPs are superior to their clients. In the hierarchy, it is positioned above Account Admin (AA) and below Reseller (R). Multiple Account Admins (AA) may be listed under a single SP account. Like the Reseller, SP can also log in to both CMS and the front app.

Account Admin:

The account admin is the position in the hierarchy’s third tier. It is situated above the admin account and beneath the service provider account. It is reserved for a company’s clientele who have offices in several locations. Account Admin can also log in to both CMS and the front app.


Admin falls under the Account Admin (AA) and is the fourth tier in the hierarchy. Client offices around the country utilize it to handle several end users. As Admin is not concerned with administrative tasks, it can log in to only the front app.


The user role is the last in the hierarchy, for only monitoring purposes. It has limited privileges and is nested beneath the Admin (A) account in the hierarchy. Similar to Admin, users can also log in to the front app only.

With the above options, a fleet business can assign any role to clients as per their requirements. For example, if your client needs view-only privileges, you can assign them any role between Admin and User. Similarly, if a client needs administrative control over operations, you can give them an SP or Account Admin role.

Flexible Reporting Option:

The reporting module is custom-designed to enable users to generate a wide range of analytical reports. The user can generate custom reports from CMS by selecting the desired fields to show in the reports. For example, if you want a Driver-based Trip Report or an Engine hour-based trip report, you can generate both as per your requirement.

You can select the time duration of the report according to your need and also generate unit-based or group-based reports. All the reports are downloadable in Excel and PDF format and can be sent to your user email for recordkeeping purposes.

Also Read: Everything-you-need-to-know-about-flotilla-Iot-maintenance-module

Custom Event-based Notification:

Real-time alerts are one of the most important aspects of a modern vehicle GPS tracking system. With Flotilla IoT, you get the option to create customized notifications based on various events. Some of the frequently used alerts are as follows:

  • Geofence Entrance/Exit
  • Speed Limit Exceeded
  • Ignition Status
  • Engine Status
  • Fuel
  • Driver Change
  • Unit Status
  • Eco-driving
  • Device Expiry

After selecting the type of notification, you can select the medium on which you want to receive alerts including web pop-ups, mobile app email, etc. There is an option to connect various commands to the events as well. As commands control the output of a GPS tracking device, it can help to perform various actions on the vehicle. For example, attaching a power cut command with a geofence entrance notification will disconnect upon geofence entry.

Personalized Analytical Dashboard:

As a fleet manager, you would want to have complete control over the information that you want to view and want to avoid. Flotilla IoT vehicle GPS tracking system allows you to create a fully personalized dashboard by choosing the data that you want to show. From vehicle and driver status to Engine Hours and Mileage, you can select any option to display on the Dashboard. It allows the managers to have only relevant information available on display which is critical in saving time during their busy daily routine.

Customized Predictive Maintenance:

Maintenance is always an area of concern for managers as stakes are always very high in this regard. Poor vehicle health can increase fleet downtime eventually affecting the growth and profitability of the business. Keeping the importance of service and repair in mind, Flotilla IoT offers predictive maintenance which allows scheduling maintenance tasks for any time in the future.


By selecting a period, you can also repeat the maintenance schedule as per your requirement. For example, if you want the maintenance to become due after every 100 km, you can select a mileage of 100 km in the period field.


There is also an option to set reminders for a maintenance service to prepare better beforehand. For example, if you have a maintenance due at 100 km and you want to receive a reminder at 99km, you can set ‘1’ in Remind me before the field.

Flotilla IoT fleet management system is a tailor-made solution for fleet businesses of various scopes. From a small business to a multinational firm, the Flotilla IoT vehicle GPS tracking system covers everyone.

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