User Structure

 Reseller (R) is the top-level role in the hierarchy and falls above the Service Provider (SP) account. Reseller is the company that provides fleet management services to their multiple clients and wants to monitor their operations.

For example:

If you are a company that wants to manage its different clients and monitor their operations, you can register as a Reseller (R). Under Reseller account, you can create multiple Service Provider accounts.

Service provider (SP) is the second-tier role in the hierarchy. It includes the employees of the company that have different clients associated with them. SP have more privileges than their clients and have technical control over them. It falls under Reseller (R) and above Account Admin (AA) in the hierarchy. One SP account can have multiple Account Admins (AA) under it.

For example:

If a company has multiple employees with each having separate clients associated with it. These employees can handle their clients by creating a service provider account. Under this service provider, you can register multiple clients as Account Admins.

The Account Admin (AA) is the third-tier role in the hierarchy. It falls under the service provider account and above the admin account. It is designated for the clients of a company that have offices in different areas.

For example:

You are a business with offices in different areas and want to separate your account as a headquarter/top-level account, you can create an Account Admin (AA) for that. Below this AA account, you can create all the accounts for the offices in different locations. This way, you can keep an eye on the fleet operations of the offices.

The Admin (A) is the fourth-tier role in the hierarchy and falls under the Account Admin (AA). It is used by client offices in different areas to manage multiple end-users.

For example:

The admin account can be controlled by the Head of the company to manage the end-users. Every individual Admin in the area can create several end users using this Admin account.

User: The User is the last role in the hierarchy and it is used by the clients for monitoring purposes. It falls under the Admin (A) account in the hierarchy and does not have access to many privileges. 

For example:

The admin of every area can create several end-users and hand them to different employees for effectively monitoring the fleet operations.

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