Author: Zeeshan


Role of Data Analytics in Fleet Management

The advancement in digital technology has compelled every business in utilizing it. Gone are the days when every operation was performed manually. With everything becoming digital, companies do not have to worry about the inconvenience of paperwork […]


Flotilla IoT’s Custom reports — Case Study

The vehicle tracking systems are an excellent source for in-depth operational analysis. They are managers’ go-to option for checking performance and efficiency. The monitoring solutions offer reports on different aspects of working, ranging from fuel consumption to […]


The Importance of Fleet Vehicle Maintenance

Whether you run a trucking business or a bus service, maintenance is the critical aspect of operations. A well-maintained fleet can help a company achieve profits. Therefore, it should be considered as a priority during operations. The […]


What is Fleet Management System

Enterprises operate their businesses using fleets not only in every country but also worldwide. All people should have these means of transport for their respective requirements, or else it will be impossible to maximize profit in the […]

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