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  3. CMS Panel Web Application
  4. Login


To login into the CMS panel web application enter the official URL of CMS Flotilla IoT into the address line of the browser.

On the login page:

Enter Username

Enter password

Click on the login button

The user will log in successfully to the system.


Forgot Password

Flotilla IoT provides a “Forgot Password” functionality on the login page. If the user forgets the password, the user can click on the forgot password button from the login page. They will be asked to enter an email address. Then press the submit button.

Change Password

Users can change the account password from the user settings option. Click on the user settings in the right corner of the top account and then click on the change password option.

Enter new password

Repeat new password

Enter current password

Click on the change password button Password will change successfully. Now users can login into the CMS with the new password.

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